I finally got word this morning that the Nimble Ape GitHub org can accept GitHub sponsorships - which is excellent news. Don't know about GitHub sponsors? Have a read over at https://github.com/sponsors.
GitHub has enabled that "Sponsor" button on repos for a while now with essentially links to third parties such as Patreon and Tidelift - that's all well and good but nothing's easier than not needing to sign up for another account and having to explain a non GitHub purchase with your accounting department.
With GitHub sponsors you can set tiers of sponsorship which are collected monthly - just like other platforms. You can see Nimble Ape's tiers at https://github.com/sponsors/nimbleape

Now, do I truly think people are going to subscribe to give Nimble Ape $5 a month to say thanks for some code we open-sourced? Probably not. Do I think it's possible that some of the companies that use code that we open-sourced would pay us $100 a month for some continual improvements to the code they use? Absolutely - $100 is nothing for a company - especially if they're already paying for GiHub licenses etc etc.
If the options not there, people will never just give you money - make it easy for people to "reward" you for your Open Source code and they might just do that! Fancy supporting Nimble Ape with some cash every month? Go hit one of those buttons at https://github.com/sponsors/nimbleape